Leadership and management experience
- Assistant Manager, Inspiration Lab, Vancouver Public Library
- Acting Branch Head, Fraserview Branch, Vancouver Public Library
- Acting Assistant Manager, Community Digital Initiatives, Vancouver Public Library
- Acting Assistant Manager, Information Services (Public Service Delivery + Training), Vancouver Public Library
- Safety Advocate & Volunteer Coordinator, Women’s Resource Center, Washington State University
Leadership philosophy
- Practice adaptability and flexibility
- Seize opportunities for teams to grow together through change
- Use a systems thinking approach
- Emphasize two-way communication, and model active listening
- Create space for all voices to be valued and full-participants in the organization
- Model and encourage an inclusive team environment of mutual respect
- Utilize team members’ strengths
- Empower team members to try to solve problems
- Encourage creativity and leadership
- Consistently find opportunities to build the team’s knowledge base
- Model character and integrity
- Acknowledge and deal with challenges and conflict promptly and openly
- Regularly express gratitude and appreciation
- Practice enlightened optimism*
*Enlightened optimism encourages action rather than emphasizing things that can go wrong. Such optimism boosts self-confidence and inspires others, and these elements are akin to scaffolding. Thus a leader and team will be up to the challenge when things get shaky.